We have been sponsored by the Florenceville Inn. Special rates for rooms and discounts at the restaurant for permit holders.
Do you know the fines for off-road vehicles?
No valid registration $172.50
Failing to produce proof of registration $292.50
Uninsured all-terrain vehicle $604.50
All-terrain vehicle not bearing trail permit $172.50
Trail Permit not properly attached $172.50
No helmet $172.50
Operating an ORV without due care and attention $292.50
Operating an ORV under 16 yrs. without a safety course $292.50
Failing to stop $292.50
Operating off- road vehicle with suspending license $604.50
*All information found on the GNB website under the Off-Road Vehicle Enforcement*
Trail Closure: Route 5125 “Clearwater Trail” will be closed until further notice due to a washout.
* Skedaddle Ridge Club #51 Trail Permits are now available at the locations identified on this website
* Quad operators are reminded on April 15th, some trails should not be used until conditions have improved to prevent unnecessary and expensive trail maintenance repairs
* Contact the Club and volunteer some time to do repairs to ensure they are safe for all families and outdoor enthusiasts
* Stay on the trail and be respectful of agricultural crops and livestock
* Do not leave any garbage at the many rest areas or on the trail
* If you identify an unsafe trail condition this must be reported to the Club immediately. Please mark the spot to protect other operators from serious injury
* Do not let your behaviour and actions result in a landowner refusing access and the loss of the trail